Sewage treatment package by SBR method

Sewage treatment by sbr method

The Abbram company’s sbr treatment system is a filling and emptying reactor. Sbr treatment is one of the active sludge treatment methods. In this method, with complete mixing, the sewage first enters the aeration pond, enough time is given to the oxidized sewage to be deposited. In the following, the sewage treatment processes in the sbr method are described in Figures 1 to 5

Sewage treatment system by sbr method

During the phase of the reaction, the discontinuous (after filling) is used and the successive stages of aeration and clarification are performed in a tank. All SBR systems typically have 5 stages, which are sequentially similar to the following:

  • filling
  • aeration
  • Sedimentation or clarification
  • Evacuate
  • Stack

Each of these steps is described and explained in the following figure

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View of sewage treatment system ponds by sbr method

Filling stage:

During filling, liquid and substrate (raw sewage or primary effluent) is added to the reactor. Usually the filling stage provides the possibility of rising liquid level of the reactor from 75 to 100% of capacity (at the end of the staging phase). When two tanks are used, the feeding stage may be about 50% of the filling cycle time. During filling, the reactor may only be mixed or applied to biological reactions with inlet, mixing and aeration.

Reaction or aeration:

Cell mass during the aeration cycle consumes the substrate under controlled environmental conditions.


It is possible to separate solids from the liquid under stagnant conditions, and as a result, a clear liquid can be discharged as an outlet.


It is possible to separate solids from the liquid under stagnant conditions, and as a result, a clear liquid can be discharged as an outlet.


The rest period is used in systems where there are several tanks in place to provide time to complete the feeding cycle before transferring to another unit. Because phase-in phase is not necessary, it is sometimes eliminated. For use in continuous flow modes, at least two SBR tanks must be provided; so that one tank receives the sewage stream; while the other tank completes the filtration cycle. To achieve the removal of phosphorus and nitrogen, various process changes have been made in relation to the time of each step.

Sewage treatment system sections by SBR method

garbage collector

The function of the collecting gerbage that is placed in the EAAS method before entering the sewage treatment plant In order to remove floating or immersed solids in the sewage.deleting the materials depended on the size of the fountains and the characteristics of the solids in the sewage system.Typically, metal that use there is made of steel or galvanized ST37 steel.Aeration parts, secondary sedimentation and chlorination, sludge reservoir that are stacked together in a package.The entire body of the Package is Steel ST37 that The floor of package with steel plate ST37 with a thickness of 8 mm and a wall with a thickness of 6 mm.

Then a pond for sbr package is considered based on wastewater discharge. ABRAM’s SBR sewage treatment package is the entire body of the ST37 steel package. The floor is packed with ST37 steel plate with a thickness of 8 mm and a 6 mm thick substrate. These parts of the package are stained with suitable coating after welding. Read the link to learn about coloring conditions.

Aeration system of sewage treatment by sbr method

The aeration system is to the sewage through the air blowers that the air produced by the blowers through the pipelines is specified to the floor of the aeration pond. Using diffusers, this air is transferred to the sewage and the phases of biological decomposition of the sewage And contributes to the decomposition of sewage contaminants.


The chlorine injection package consists of a tank of 100 or 200 liters with a mixer that is injected into the wastewater after mixing water and calcium hypochlorite.

Electrical Switchgear Sewage Treatment Package by Sbr

In order to control different parts of the wastewater treatment package such as blowers, pumps, chlorine dosing, an automatic switchgear is required, so that all parts of the package are controlled and all processes are automatically abandoned.

Extra sludge removal in sewage treatment system by sbr method

Sludge removal is another important stage in SBR exploitation, which has a great influence on its performance. Sludge removal is not one of the five main stages of the process, because there is no specific time in the cycle for sludge evacuation. Like the conventional flow system, the operating conditions of the system determine the volume and frequency of sludge evacuation. In the operation of the SBR system, sludge discharge is usually performed during the reaction stage. So that solid discharges of solids are carried out (including fine particles and coarse particles), a feature
Specifically, the SBR system does not require the active sludge return system (RAS). Because both aeration and depositional stages occur in a tank, no sludge is repelled at the reaction stage and there is no need to return the sludge to keep solids in the aeration tank.